Today I decided to do a reformer pilates class at the gym. I haven't done reformer pilates in about 4 years so it was like my first session all over again. I got a free session at my gym so I thought 'why not?'
If you haven't done reformer pilates before, the reformer is a basically a long hard platform, that connects to springs and ropes.
Attached to the ropes via clasps are handles.
Halfway through the class the fucking clasp got stuck in my hair & I was trapped.
It was so dramatic that the instructor had to pause the class to come & unlatch me.
And of course because she paused the class to free me, everyone had to stop and look at what was happening.
I was absolutely mortified and I wanted to run out of the class crying.
Obviously I didn't because I'm not a sook and I did survive!
So if you're feeling like you're not 'something' enough for bootcamps, this is your reminder that if I can survive a reformer drama, you can absolutely survive your first class!
You're stronger than you think, and tougher than you feel.
Just like I was stronger than the pilates clasp, and tougher that the urge to run from the class.
Time to send me a message and book in for your free trial!