When you're in a relationship/ marriage how easy does it become to want to stay at home and relax with your partner, even when they're super annoying?
It can also be super easy for them, with the best intentions to say, 'yes stay home with me'.
This is why telling your partner your goals is so important. Letting them know they you would like their support & encouragement to stay on track can be a crucial part in you not giving up when it gets 'too hard'.
One of my favourite things to hear is 'I didn't want to come tonight but my partner said I should go because I would feel better for it. I knew he would be right & I'm so glad I came, I feel so much better for it now'.
1- 3 hours per week doesn't mean you have no time to spend together or relax.
It means more time to feel patient, present and happy because you're not feeling guilty for not training and you're also reaping those mood boosting rewards from movement.
If you have a goal to exercise whether it's for fat loss or just to feel better then it's time to tell your partner and let them be the push you need, on the days you need one!